Why do I need to wear a mouthguard ?
Any contact or semi contact sport such as Basketball, Football, Rugby, Netball, or Martial Arts can result in trauma to the teeth.
Dental injuries are the most common type of facial injury in sports. A recent survery found 84 percent of children do not wear mouth guards while playing sports because they are not required to wear them.
Before deciding on whether to choose a boil-and-bite type mouthguard or one custom-made by your dentist, check with the coach or instructor of each the sports your child plays. In some sports, the players are covered by team or league insurance that will only cover damage or injury if a dentist has made the mouthguard.
You should also check with the league or team to find out if a double mouthguard is required, as some sports like wrestling require the use of a mouthguard that covers both the top and bottom teeth (if a child has braces on both). Knowing exactly what to ask the dentist for will save time and money, getting your child back on the field or mats more quickly.
Off-the-Shelf Mouthguards
Mouthguards molded by dentists can be expensive, especially given the fact that the reason your child has braces is to move their teeth around, and in a few months the mouthguard that was initially custom fit to their arch may no longer be safe or comfortable.
If the sport does not require it, purchasing a generic mouthguard and molding it yourself may be a good option. There are many manufacturers of mouthguards that make wider versions for those wearing braces, many of which also produce specialized double mouthguards that are either flexible or boil-and-bite. Your dentist may have recommendations on the best style and brands to use.
A mouthguard for braces may be a little more expensive than a regular mouthguard, but is entirely worth the price if it protects your active child’s teeth and soft tissue from damage incurred while playing their favorite sports.
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